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Ever since Summerhill Honey opened our doors in 2014, we’ve been committed to raising awareness to the importance of bees in nature and the dangers they face. We are a small commercial beekeepers. All our honey produced is truly 100% raw and local honey, unlike the large commercial stores selling honey that is 5% honey, 95% syrup in their jars, hence the cheaper price. Most of their honey is from non EU countries. We in the other hand are governed by the Department of Agriculture, food & Marine. Our honey bees from apiaries all around the Boyne valley collect nectar and pollen in woodlands & gardens. Our main colonies are located in the woodlands estate of the former home of the Duke of Wellington at Dangan castle.

Our Bees

Ireland’s honey bee evolved and adapted over thousands of years and thrives in our particularly changeable oceanic climate. There are 99 species of bees in Ireland but there is only one native honey bee. This bee still exists in the wild and is also kept in hives by beekeepers. Summerhill Honey not only is it an important native pollinator with a special place in the functioning ecology and biodiversity of the Irish countryside but the honey bee is deeply rooted in the history and heritage of rural Ireland.

Our Hives

Summerhill Honey use all Lyson Poly hives. Colonies in poly hives, in general, start to build up 2-3 weeks earlier than those in wooden hives, and will start flying earlier in the day. Thus, the poly hive colonies are better able to take advantage of the nectar flow, which should result in a significantly increased honey crop. In winter time they are warmer, thus consume less energy and resources. 

Our Apiaries 

Summerhill Honey aparies are nestling in the midst of 95.7 hectares (236 acres) of lands comprising tillage, grassland and forestry, the historic home of Arthur Wellesley, the 1st Duke of Wellington, who famously defeated Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo

Extractor Honey

the honey is stored by honey bees in their beeswax honeycomb; in framed bee hives, the honey is stored on a wooden structure called a frame. The honey frames are typically harvested in the late summer, when they will be most filled with honey. On a completely filled frame, the cells will be capped over by the bees for storage; that is, each cell containing honey will be sealed with a capping made of beeswax.

Benefits of
Summerhill Honey

 Evidence indicates that honey can exert several health-beneficial effects including antioxidant, anti inflammatory, antibacterial, antidiabetic, respiratory, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, and nervous system protective effects.


For questions about our company and products, get in touch directly. Someone on our team will be happy to help.

Dangan, Summerhill, Meath

087 2932566

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